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Bidbury Junior School

Applying for a place at Bidbury Junior School 


Hampshire County Council is the Admissions Authority for our school.


All applications for places at Bidbury Junior School should be made to the County Admissions Team at the Hampshire County Council.  They can be contacted at:


County Admissions Team

Hampshire County Council
Children’s Services Department
Elizabeth II Court North
Winchester SO23 8UG


Phone 0300 555 1377

Email admissions.team@hants.gov.uk

Website: https://www.hants.gov.uk/educationandlearning/admissions



Is your child due to start Junior School in September 2024?

  • If your child is in Year 2 and attends an infant school, you should apply for a Year 3 place at a junior school for September 2024. 
  • You can check online here to see if you are in our school's catchment area.
  • Online applications could be made from 1 November 2023 to 15 January 2024. 
  • If you applied on time, you would have found out about your child's place on 16 April 2024.  Click here to find out more.
  • Applications after 16 January 2024, can be made here
  • You can name up to 3 schools in order of preference on your application form. 


Applying for a school place in-year

An in-year admission is when a child needs an immediate school place during the school year.  There are two main reasons for this. You might be moving house or you may be unhappy with your child’s current school.  Click here to find out more and to apply online.


Applying for a place on medical or social grounds

You can request priority for a place at your preferred school if your child, or a family member living at the same address, has an exceptional medical and/or social need that makes attendance at a particular school essential.  Click here to find out more.



Any parent or guardian who has been refused a school place for their child has the right to appeal the decision.  Click here to find out more.