Headteacher - Mrs Double | |||
Deputy Headteachers - Miss Gardiner and Mrs Cooper | |||
Administration Manager / Prevent Lead - Mr Mahmud | |||
Curriculum Lead - Mrs Double English Lead - Mrs Cooper Maths Lead - Mr Prosser Teaching and Learning Lead / Reading Lead - Miss Gardiner SENCO and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children - Mrs Horne Consultant SENCO - Mrs Smith Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - Miss Gardiner Senior Attendance Champion - Mrs Cooper |
YEAR 3 |
Teachers |
Miss Williams - Beech Class Mrs Hale - Willow Class |
Learning Support Assistants | Mrs Phelan, Mrs Hebditch, Mrs Gandar and Miss Kiany |
YEAR 4 | |
Teachers |
Miss Harper - Chestnut Class Mr Hooper - Birch Class |
Learning Support Assistants | Mrs Hill, Ms Johnson and Mrs Hebditch |
YEAR 5 | |
Teachers |
Mrs Clarke - Oak Class Mr Eaton - Rowan Class |
Learning Support Assistants |
Mrs Fennemore and Miss Philbrow |
YEAR 6 | |
Teachers |
Mrs Cooper - Alder Class Mr Prosser - Maple Class |
Learning Support Assistants |
Mrs George and Miss Bishop |
Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) PE Teacher |
Mrs Wibberley Mr Marsh |
Sports Coach Sports coaching |
Mr Christou ActiveMe 360 |
Resident Artist Music teachers (Hampshire Music Service) |
Ms Greenwood Mr Jones and Mr Barrow |
SENCO and Designated Teacher (LAC) Consultant SENCO |
Mrs Horne Mrs Smith |
Pastoral Support Worker | Mrs Hunter |
ELSA | Miss Farthing |
The Hub | Mrs Moxham (HLTA), Mrs Warwick and Miss Farthing |
Breakfast Club Assistants | Miss Gallagher, Mrs Hill and Mrs George |
After School Club Assistants | Miss Gallagher and Ms Spratt |
Senior Admin Assistant | Miss Ollerenshaw |
Admin Assistant | Mrs Yates |
Clerk to the Governing Body | Mrs Madden |
ICT Technician | Mr Bichard (Rocket Computer Services) |
Site Manager | Mr Macintyre |
Cleaning Staff |
Mrs Macintyre and Miss Gallagher |