Welcome to

Bidbury Junior School

Remote education

In the event that pupils are unable to attend school because they are self-isolating, our teachers will provide relevant learning if parents feel that their child is well enough to complete this at home.  

Pupils will be signposted to a personal folder on Google Classroom which will provide timely and relevant learning tasks and opportunities. These will broadly follow the learning planned for the whole class and provide some filmed teaching (e.g. Oak Academy and White Rose Maths) with relevant worksheets/activities and tasks to support the learning. As far as is practicable, children will also be set learning tasks from the same curriculum subjects being taught that day in class. 

Alongside this, pupils will have ongoing access to online learning programmes such as Spelling Shed, Times Tables Rock Stars, Read Theory and Mirodo.

If self-isolation becomes extended, regular Google Meet contact might be more suitable and will provide an opportunity for face-to-face discussion and support about the work set/completed.