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Bidbury Junior School

Our Ofsted Report

We are extremely proud to be able to share the outcome and report from our Ofsted inspection on 3rd and 4th December 2024.


The Ofsted inspector that visited our school carried out their inspection over two days and this included lesson visits, discussions with staff, meetings with pupils and looking at lots of the children’s work. They met with school leaders and members of the governing body, spoke with parents/carers and the local authority, and reviewed documentation provided by the school.


Our Ofsted report captured that: ‘Pupils are proud of their school and describe it as a place where, ‘everyone is welcome'.


The report says that: 'The school maintains high expectations for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils rise to meet the school’s high expectations. As a result, pupils strive to achieve well.'


Ofsted said that: 'Pupils behave well in lessons and at breaktimes.'


The report praised the school’s curriculum: ‘The school has designed an ambitious curriculum that is broad and well-sequenced.....Targeted support is now helping pupils to secure the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare them for the next steps in their education.....Carefully planned activities enrich and extend the curriculum. These activities provide opportunities for pupils to develop skills and talents.'


Ofsted recognised that: ‘The school identifies the needs of pupils with SEND accurately and precisely. Staff target carefully designed adaptations for pupils with SEND to enable them to access learning well. ‘Individual support plans’ rightly target specific improvements that pupils need to make. This helps them to remember crucial knowledge and skills.'


The report said that: ‘Teachers have strong subject knowledge and present information clearly to pupils.'


Ofsted recognised that: ‘Reading features prominently in the school. The much-loved vibrant library, at the heart of the school, provides age-appropriate texts that promote and extend pupils love of reading. Pupils practise their reading regularly which helps build confidence and fluency. Expert staff support pupils who are at the earlier stages of reading. This helps them to catch up quickly. The school uses high-quality texts to inspire and extend thinking in the broader curriculum.'


The report also recognised the work that the school does to support children’s wider development: 'The school provides carefully planned activities to support pupils’ wider development. Pupils value the multitude of opportunities to develop positive character traits and practise leadership skills. They take on positions of responsibility with great pride and passion. Pupils aspire to contribute and make changes to the school.'


Ofsted recognised that: 'Staff are committed to the school. They recognise the positive impact of the changes and are excited about striving to be even better... Staff are proud to work here and speak of the ‘close knit family feel’ of the school.'


'Governors know the school well and understand their roles. They support and challenge the school to continue to improve.'


We are very pleased with the outcome of our inspection and that Ofsted have recognised the many strengths of our school.  We will continue to strive to improve further so that every element of our work reaches the highest possible levels to make Bidbury Junior School exceptional for the children at our school.



Ofsted Parent View


Ofsted Parent View is an online survey that allows parents and carers to give their views about their child’s school. Parents and carers can complete the survey at any time. You can also see the results for our school.