Welcome to

Bidbury Junior School



At Bidbury Junior School, we believe that all children have the right to receive an education which enables them to fulfil their potential from their individual starting points. All children at Bidbury have their full curriculum entitlement.  Through high quality teaching, planning and provision we ensure:

  • Needs are identified early and swiftly acted upon. This is done in  partnership with professionals and parents.
  • Children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is appropriately adapted to enable children to achieve and make progress.
  • Provide an accessible learning environment, which is tailored to the needs of all pupils.
  • Timely monitoring of the progress of children with SEND
  • We work closely with external agencies and other professionals to ensure there is a collaborative approach to support children with SEND and are relentless in our pursuit for support for our children.



At Bidbury Junior School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Inclusion is at the heart of our school. Our provision is tailored through collaboration of all stakeholders and most importantly, the child.

Pupils with SEND will:

  • Be included in all aspects of the school day and beyond
  • Be provided with quality first teaching, adapted to meet their needs
  • Be represented and have a voice.

Pupils with SEND may:

  • Have timely 1-1 or small group support to enable access to the curriculum.
  • Have opportunities to pre learn, practise, rehearse, revisit and  embed knowledge and skills across all subjects in the curriculum.
  • Receive support through targeted intervention.
  • Have support from the Pastoral Support Worker or take part in social, emotional and mental health interventions such as ELSA or Lego Therapy.
  • Receive additional support from our Speech and Language Therapists.
  • Work alongside external agencies such as Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Educational Psychologist.



As a result of our provision, children at Bidbury Junior School:

  • Have a sense of belonging.
  • Feel safe and cared for.
  • Show confidence and resilience in their learning.
  • Demonstrate high levels of engagement in their learning.
  • Develop independence strategies, both academically and vocationally, to support them in daily life and beyond.
  • Make progress from their relative starting points and are ambitious to achieve in line with or above their peers, as result of the use of targeted resources and intervention to meet their individual needs.
Supporting resources available to all pupils

Please contact Mrs Horne (our SENCO) if you have any questions about how your child's learning is being supported.

 You can contact her either by calling our school office on 02392 474513 or by emailing adminoffice@bidbury-jun.hants.sch.uk

SEND Policy - September 2024.pdf .pdf
SEND Information Report - November 2024.pdf .pdf
Accessibility Plan 2022-25.pdf .pdf


Hampshire County Council is committed to giving all children and young people high quality education that enables them to make progress and achieve well. For children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs or a disability, additional or specialist support may be needed to enable this.  To support the process of identifying the range of provision and advice that is available, Hampshire County Council have published a local offer which you can see here.





SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support) is available to provide impartial advice for parents/carers. 

  • They can be contacted on 0808 164 504 (Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm and Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm).
  • You can email them at: info@hampshiresendiass.co.uk
  • You can see their website here
Welcome to

Bidbury Junior School



At Bidbury Junior School, we believe that all children have the right to receive an education which enables them to fulfil their potential from their individual starting points. All children at Bidbury have their full curriculum entitlement.  Through high quality teaching, planning and provision we ensure:

  • Needs are identified early and swiftly acted upon. This is done in  partnership with professionals and parents.
  • Children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is appropriately adapted to enable children to achieve and make progress.
  • Provide an accessible learning environment, which is tailored to the needs of all pupils.
  • Timely monitoring of the progress of children with SEND
  • We work closely with external agencies and other professionals to ensure there is a collaborative approach to support children with SEND and are relentless in our pursuit for support for our children.



At Bidbury Junior School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Inclusion is at the heart of our school. Our provision is tailored through collaboration of all stakeholders and most importantly, the child.

Pupils with SEND will:

  • Be included in all aspects of the school day and beyond
  • Be provided with quality first teaching, adapted to meet their needs
  • Be represented and have a voice.

Pupils with SEND may:

  • Have timely 1-1 or small group support to enable access to the curriculum.
  • Have opportunities to pre learn, practise, rehearse, revisit and  embed knowledge and skills across all subjects in the curriculum.
  • Receive support through targeted intervention.
  • Have support from the Pastoral Support Worker or take part in social, emotional and mental health interventions such as ELSA or Lego Therapy.
  • Receive additional support from our Speech and Language Therapists.
  • Work alongside external agencies such as Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Educational Psychologist.



As a result of our provision, children at Bidbury Junior School:

  • Have a sense of belonging.
  • Feel safe and cared for.
  • Show confidence and resilience in their learning.
  • Demonstrate high levels of engagement in their learning.
  • Develop independence strategies, both academically and vocationally, to support them in daily life and beyond.
  • Make progress from their relative starting points and are ambitious to achieve in line with or above their peers, as result of the use of targeted resources and intervention to meet their individual needs.
Supporting resources available to all pupils

Please contact Mrs Horne (our SENCO) if you have any questions about how your child's learning is being supported.

 You can contact her either by calling our school office on 02392 474513 or by emailing adminoffice@bidbury-jun.hants.sch.uk

SEND Policy - September 2024.pdf .pdf
SEND Information Report - November 2024.pdf .pdf
Accessibility Plan 2022-25.pdf .pdf


Hampshire County Council is committed to giving all children and young people high quality education that enables them to make progress and achieve well. For children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs or a disability, additional or specialist support may be needed to enable this.  To support the process of identifying the range of provision and advice that is available, Hampshire County Council have published a local offer which you can see here.





SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support) is available to provide impartial advice for parents/carers. 

  • They can be contacted on 0808 164 504 (Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm and Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm).
  • You can email them at: info@hampshiresendiass.co.uk
  • You can see their website here
Welcome to

Bidbury Junior School



At Bidbury Junior School, we believe that all children have the right to receive an education which enables them to fulfil their potential from their individual starting points. All children at Bidbury have their full curriculum entitlement.  Through high quality teaching, planning and provision we ensure:

  • Needs are identified early and swiftly acted upon. This is done in  partnership with professionals and parents.
  • Children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is appropriately adapted to enable children to achieve and make progress.
  • Provide an accessible learning environment, which is tailored to the needs of all pupils.
  • Timely monitoring of the progress of children with SEND
  • We work closely with external agencies and other professionals to ensure there is a collaborative approach to support children with SEND and are relentless in our pursuit for support for our children.



At Bidbury Junior School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Inclusion is at the heart of our school. Our provision is tailored through collaboration of all stakeholders and most importantly, the child.

Pupils with SEND will:

  • Be included in all aspects of the school day and beyond
  • Be provided with quality first teaching, adapted to meet their needs
  • Be represented and have a voice.

Pupils with SEND may:

  • Have timely 1-1 or small group support to enable access to the curriculum.
  • Have opportunities to pre learn, practise, rehearse, revisit and  embed knowledge and skills across all subjects in the curriculum.
  • Receive support through targeted intervention.
  • Have support from the Pastoral Support Worker or take part in social, emotional and mental health interventions such as ELSA or Lego Therapy.
  • Receive additional support from our Speech and Language Therapists.
  • Work alongside external agencies such as Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Educational Psychologist.



As a result of our provision, children at Bidbury Junior School:

  • Have a sense of belonging.
  • Feel safe and cared for.
  • Show confidence and resilience in their learning.
  • Demonstrate high levels of engagement in their learning.
  • Develop independence strategies, both academically and vocationally, to support them in daily life and beyond.
  • Make progress from their relative starting points and are ambitious to achieve in line with or above their peers, as result of the use of targeted resources and intervention to meet their individual needs.
Supporting resources available to all pupils

Please contact Mrs Horne (our SENCO) if you have any questions about how your child's learning is being supported.

 You can contact her either by calling our school office on 02392 474513 or by emailing adminoffice@bidbury-jun.hants.sch.uk

SEND Policy - September 2024.pdf .pdf
SEND Information Report - November 2024.pdf .pdf
Accessibility Plan 2022-25.pdf .pdf


Hampshire County Council is committed to giving all children and young people high quality education that enables them to make progress and achieve well. For children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs or a disability, additional or specialist support may be needed to enable this.  To support the process of identifying the range of provision and advice that is available, Hampshire County Council have published a local offer which you can see here.





SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support) is available to provide impartial advice for parents/carers. 

  • They can be contacted on 0808 164 504 (Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm and Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm).
  • You can email them at: info@hampshiresendiass.co.uk
  • You can see their website here