With every great school there is always a great school council and Bidbury Junior School is no different. Our school council is known as our Young Governors to reflect the importance of their role in improving our school.
Young Governors are elected each year by their class. Once elected as a Young Governor, the child is then the voice for their peers, passing on information from Young Governor meetings that require a classroom debate. The results from these debates are then put forward to the Senior Leadership Team to provide the children’s perspective on certain aspects of school life.
From these monthly meetings we have found that Young Governors learn to understand the importance of respect towards other people’s ideas, effective communication and understanding that their voice is important for change. While from a class point of view, we have found that children enjoy taking part in classroom debates and begin to appreciate the similarities and differences in the opinions of others.
One of the most important jobs for the Young Governors is to consult with their classes to decide the charities that the school will support over the year. They choose two local, two national and two international charities. The Young Governors then co-ordinate the fundraising for a different charity each half term.
For 2023-24 the children chose to support ActionAid, Foodbank PO9, Children in Need, Cancer Research UK, Whale and Dolphin Conservation and our own school "We Love Reading" project.
Our new Young Governors for 2024-25 will meet in the autumn term to decide the charities they wish to support in the coming year.