Welcome to

Bidbury Junior School


Why attendance matters





Mrs Cooper (our Deputy Headteacher and Senior Attendance Champion), Miss Ollerenshaw (our Senior Admin Assistant) and Mrs Hunter (our Pastoral Support Worker) are the lead people when it comes to attendance and punctuality at Bidbury Junior School.


Every day the children’s attendance and punctuality is recorded on our school system. We work closely with the Local Authority to monitor attendance and punctuality across the school. We look for things that we can put into place to improve attendance and lateness and to support families who need help with getting children into school on time every day.


We celebrate when children have attendance that is equal to or above 97% as this means they are making sure they are accessing learning almost every day. Each week the class with the highest attendance wins the Attendance Award during our celebration assembly. This class also achieves an additional sports, play or computer session alongside their award.


We understand that sometimes children do get poorly and that they are too unwell to be in school. If you do keep your child at home, it's important that you phone the school office by 9:00am to let them know that your child won't be in and to give them the reason. You will need to make sure you keep in contact with the school on a daily basis with an update about your child's illness.  


It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they're unwell. Click here for the NHS guidelines that say when children should be kept off school and when they shouldn't. 


For more information about attendance and punctuality at Bidbury, please see below for our school Attendance Policy or come in and chat to Mrs Hunter. Remember every minute counts in school!


Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy - July 2024.pdf .pdf