Welcome to

Bidbury Junior School


The law states that all children of compulsory school age (5-16yrs) must receive regular full time education. 

It is the parents’ legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school every day and on time.  Holidays, shopping trips and visits to relatives MUST be arranged in the school holidays and not during school time. 

 Responsibilities of pupils:

- Attend every day unless they are ill or have an authorised absence.  

- Arrive in school before registers open at 8:50am  
Responsibilities of parents/carers :

Ensuring your child’s regular attendance at school is a parent/carer’s legal responsibility (Section 444 of the 1996 Education Act) and permitting absence from school that is not authorised by the school creates an offence in law.  
Parents/carers will:  

- inform the school on the first day of absence  

- discuss with the Home School Link Worker, or member of the office team, any planned absences well in advance  

- support the school with their child in aiming for 100% attendance each year  

- make sure that any absence is clearly accounted for by telephone no later than 9:00am on the first and subsequent days of absence  

- avoid taking their child out of school for non-urgent medical or dental appointments  

- only request leave of absence if it is for an exceptional circumstance

- take responsibility for registering their child at the office if they are late 

- provide medical evidence for absence such as a hospital or doctor's appointment card/letter

- provide any other evidence for absence as requested by the school.

Welcome to

Bidbury Junior School


The law states that all children of compulsory school age (5-16yrs) must receive regular full time education. 

It is the parents’ legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school every day and on time.  Holidays, shopping trips and visits to relatives MUST be arranged in the school holidays and not during school time. 

 Responsibilities of pupils:

- Attend every day unless they are ill or have an authorised absence.  

- Arrive in school before registers open at 8:50am  
Responsibilities of parents/carers :

Ensuring your child’s regular attendance at school is a parent/carer’s legal responsibility (Section 444 of the 1996 Education Act) and permitting absence from school that is not authorised by the school creates an offence in law.  
Parents/carers will:  

- inform the school on the first day of absence  

- discuss with the Home School Link Worker, or member of the office team, any planned absences well in advance  

- support the school with their child in aiming for 100% attendance each year  

- make sure that any absence is clearly accounted for by telephone no later than 9:00am on the first and subsequent days of absence  

- avoid taking their child out of school for non-urgent medical or dental appointments  

- only request leave of absence if it is for an exceptional circumstance

- take responsibility for registering their child at the office if they are late 

- provide medical evidence for absence such as a hospital or doctor's appointment card/letter

- provide any other evidence for absence as requested by the school.